We have a number of standardized courses on Predictive Maintenance and Non-Destructive Testing (CERTIFIED). Also, Ademinsa generates and adapts the seminars according to customer needs, the level of competence of its employees and each specific request since we have a high-quality staff and a widely recognized.
Also we perform the qualification and certification of welders.
Some of our exhibitors are:
Engineer Alberto Reyna Otayza: Level III – VA – TA USA – Senior Vibration Analyst (Technical Associates of Charlotte – USA). ASNT NDT Level III N. 121763, the American Society for Non Destructive Testing). Certified Welding Inspector CWI American Welding Society.
Engineer Walter Goycochea: Level II SNT Non Destructive Testing. Certified Welding Inspector CWI American Welding Society and ASME.
Engineer Ramiro Escobar: Level II SNT in vibrational analysis and Level II SNT non-destructive testing – NDT.
Engineer Carlos Winder: Level II SNT in vibrational analysis and Level II SNT non-destructive testing – NDT.
Engineer José Mojica Bernal: Machinery Lubricant Technician MLT-I-002616 Machinery Lubricant Analyst MLA-I, II-022119.
We own the representation of many companies who are of specialized in equipment manufacture for the industry in general, which are applied in the maintenance area, which we not only distribute but trained in its use and application
E-mail colombia@ademinsa.com.c
Also find us at
Perú, Ecuador, Chile, USA, República Dominicana, Bolivia, Venezuela, Panamá, Brasil, México, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Emiratos Árabes